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KMG technologies are already being used to drive substantial Social Impact Initiatives across sub-Saharan Africa

KMG technologies are being used as pivotal enablers to solve major education and training challenges for young professionals in the Built Environment across sub-Saharan Africa :
The 2020 Infrastructure Report Card produced by the South Africa Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) indicates that South Africa is on Level D - or imminent total collapse.
The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) estimates that 155 000 registered professional engineers are required - with less than 53 000 known "practitioners", of which 18 000 will retire or immigrate within 2 years. 

Africa has the fastest-growing youth population in the world and also the biggest need for infrastructural development.

Africa has 248 professional engineering institutions or bodies and yet it has the highest cost of repetitive human error in the global engineering and construction sector by a factor of more than 2.

Africa has the worst statistics for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity in the global engineering and construction sector.

KMG technologies, methodologies, and programs provide unique solutions to address these challenges.  
Women in the Built Environment (WITBE)
  • WITBE is offered "free of charge" to all women in construction in South Africa

  • A safe and purpose-driven, collaborative initiative for professional women

  • Designed for the learning journey from student to seasoned professional

  • A focused collaboration between the “sources” & “seekers” of wisdom

  • Structured social learning & proven knowledge mentoring methodology

  • Monthly webinars with world-renowned experts on a shared mobile App 

  • Context and caring can be critical in repetitive and challenging situations

  • Career-enhancing awards and recognition

  • Global collaboration with industry bodies and key stakeholders

  • A substantial "movement for change" addressing SDG 5 Gender Equality


Fast-forwarding to the future female knowledge force!

MASELULEKANE Candidacy Mentoring and Support Program
Maselulekane logo
  • MASELULEKANE is the most affordable candidacy solution in South Africa

  • A purpose-driven cross-discipline professional development program

  • Accelerating the journey to competency and professional registration  

  • A multi-country knowledge exchange sharing infrastructure competencies

  • A managed services approach supporting multiple professional bodies

  • Built on an award-winning knowledge mentoring program methodology

  • Real-work simulations provide unprecedented experiential learning access

  • Future-fit Soft Skills facilitated, deployed, and evaluated via the eco-system

  • Document management, progress reporting & compliance management

  • Your ideal solution for addressing SDG 4 – Quality Education


Future-proofing sustainability & competent professionals

MASELULEKANE International Launch - South Africa House
London -  29.03.23
Collage of events
Collage of events
Knowledge Mentor App and HQ
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