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Career Progress

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How the App works

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This screen gives you a consolidated view of your current Career Progress in terms of key dates and milestones as reviewed by you, your mentor and manager.


This App is designed to assist you in planning, managing, and monitoring your professional career progress as measured against an explicit career development or curriculum-based framework, or even an internally developed competency development framework.


This will typically have a start date when you first joined the program or applied to your professional body or accreditation organisation for registration as an intern, learner, apprentice, graduate, candidate, article clerk or whatever title is applicable to your career pathway and learning journey.


You should also have a Target Date which is when you plan to submit your final application for registration to the appropriate authority which may be an education or learning institution, a recognised accreditation body, or a learned society. This allows you and your mentor(s) and manager(s) to understand the scope and duration of your planned journey to registration and the learning milestones necessary.

This App and Career Head Quarters (CHQ) allows you and your mentor(s) and manager(s) to “check in” on your progress from time across all aspects of your career development journey by reviewing your Journal Entries and Information Submissions (typically Training or Experience Reports, Interim Reports, Log Book entries etc) as well as the projects or work activities you are working on and that you are performing your duties at increasing degrees of responsibility or levels of proficiency


You can record your current status as being ON TRACK – Yes/No – which your mentor and manager will be able to see and they can give you their own feedback. This is an important insight as it will indicate whether you need to take some urgent corrective action or not.


You can also add a Conversation Note in the mobile App which will trigger a notification alert to your mentor and manager, and they will be able to respond and give feedback, encouragement and guidance.


These form an essential learning journey and conversation management trail which acts as a mobile logbook and can form part of your portfolio of evidence. All communications with dates will also show in your Career Progress screen in CHQ with a full history of progress and conversation notes.

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