KMG is the trusted partner to simplify a complex journey, adding tangible value to the graduates, their employers, their institutions and their industry .
KMG transforms traditional mentoring
into sustainable high-value-adding
cultural competency shifts
Reframing structured mentoring programmes
Many organisational mentoring programmes fail to deliver on the value and benefits intended for several reasons:
Poorly structured and managed programme
Logistics and time constraints
Inexperienced programme owners
Expert dependency and limited mentors
Over-dependent on passionate champion
SaaS platform not delivering on the real needs
Our “Software with a Service” (SwaS) professional development platform delivers real value every time (soon with AI enhancements)
Formal MoU for Professional Development
of Graduates in South Africa with collaborations throughout Africa.
Formal MoU for supporting the SAICE “Growing Forward” strategy for students, candidates and for professionalising the public sector.
Formal Channel Partner Agreement to service sub-Saharan Africa and currently working with the multiple organisations.
KMG has established formal collaboration agreements for Managed Programmes that accelerate professional development and gender equality with these fine organisations, with several more in the pipeline:
A social impact collaboration program.
MASELULEKANE is the most affordable candidacy solution in South Africa
A purpose-driven cross-discipline professional development program
Accelerating the journey to competency and professional registration
A multi-country knowledge exchange sharing infrastructure competencies
A managed services approach supporting multiple professional bodies
Built on an award-winning knowledge mentoring program methodology
Real-work simulations provide unprecedented experiential learning access
Future-fit Soft Skills facilitated, deployed, and evaluated via the eco-system
Document management, progress reporting & compliance management
Your ideal solution for addressing SDG 4 – Quality Education